I am usually a very pro active blogger, I have to admit that nowadays it just has not gotten to me to blog much. I'm not sure why. I am probably just tired most of the time especially 2 small kids.

My whole day evolves around them but it is not something I regret at all. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with them cuddling in bed (yes, I co-sleep), and watching them fall asleep.

Due to a turn of events I have no choice but to now seek employment. I'm not really happy about it but then it's a need. Leaving the kids to a Nanny is the last thing I wanna do.

Anyhow, I'll miss being a SAHM, I've learned and gained so much.

Things I'll miss about being a SAHM:

  • Seeing each and every milestone of your growing babies.
  • Getting to play with them anytime you want.
  • Cooking for them. 
  • Seeing them smile every minute of the day.
  • Knowing that they know who you are in their life.
  • Going to the market without having to rush.
  • No need to get up early just to rush to work.
  • Getting to run a small business that I love.
Can't wait to go back to staying at home.

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