Dumpling Diaries | My Princess and her Nutir10plus adventures!

I mentioned in my previous post about Nutri10Plus that I would tracking Dumpling's progress with this new found supplement. 

It's been amazing so far! For an active little lass like her she needs all the energy that she can get. especially when she is nearing her pre-school life.

Last week, while I was finally on my vacation leave, we got to do a series of activities. 

Dumpling loves to swim! she usually gets tired easily but I noticed that ever since she has taken Nutri10Plus she has more energy to last her for a tiring activity like swimming!

Dumpling the mermaid version.

We also attended a children's birthday party where she was one of the first that hurried to have a photo with the mascot. She used to be less interactive at parties like these and she would usually shy away. Now, she has all this positivity in what she does and loves interacting with other kids. 

With the mascot and her cutie patootie cousin at the back!

I can't wait for the next coming weeks to see what Nutri10Plus will do for her, especially in school!

Please follow Dumpling's Diaries here, next posts will about her school adventures!

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